Invitation to Participate in the Pilot Project "Folkets Kraftløft"
Invitation to Participate in the Pilot Project "Folkets Kraftløft" (The People's Power Boost)
Valdres Næringshage, in collaboration with Vestre Slidre municipality, invites you to participate in the pilot project Folkets Kraftløft. As we are currently testing this service, only a limited number of households in the municipality will be selected to explore what this service could look like.
What is Folkets Kraftløft? This project is designed to help households gain an overview of their energy consumption and, in the long term, reduce electricity usage and costs. Households that choose to participate will, during the autumn, receive a visit from an energy advisor who will prepare an energy report for the home. This report provides an overview of recommended improvements that can reduce electricity usage in both the short and long term. The report is free of charge, and the advice is impartial and confidential. No purchases are necessary to receive the energy report.
How to Sign Up
To participate, please register via the online form accessible through the URL or QR code on the back of this letter. If you need assistance with registration, you may contact project manager Tor-Evert Grøndal by phone between 09:00 and 15:00. The form is in norwegian, but I can help you fill it out.
In the form, you must check a box to accept the terms for a home visit and to agree that anonymized data may be used in the project. You may also choose to answer additional questions regarding further contact.
For Tenants If you are renting the property, please inform the homeowner about this letter so that you can register together if necessary.
We encourage everyone to take advantage of this unique opportunity to identify potential measures for saving energy. The response deadline is November 17, 2024. For more information about the project, please visit our website, the address of which is provided on the back of this letter.
Kind regards,
Tor-Evert Grøndal
Project Manager, Folkets Kraftløft